Edward I like to fight. He was at war with France, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales all at the same time. This of course cost a lot of money, and Edward I was the first to call the English people together to gain their continual support....and money. [The Parliament it was called.]
Wales had been a difficult problem for those folks from across the Channel. It took Edward I military determination and castle building to subdue the Welsh. "The Welsh Wars of Edward I" by John E. Morris is an account of this activity. He was one of the first historians to apply modern methodology to medieval history studies. The cover to my copy is shown below.
The book covers the period 1277 to 1296. For the genealogist, it helps to understand the feudal period and the relationship between the people and the army of the day. In great detail Morris examines the documents of the day, and evaluates the methods of warfare. It provides lots of names and events which can help find some folks in the family tree. At times, it is not what you would call an easy read, but for the detailed person seeking information surrounding this period in Welsh history, it is helpful. The chapter titles are:
I. England and Wales before 1277
II. An Edwardian Army
III. The War of 1277
IV. The War of 1282 and 1283
V. The Peace Settlement and Rhys's Rising
VI. The Custom of The March
VII. The Last Rising; Madoc, Maelgwn, and Morgan; 1294 and 1295
VIII. Events Leading from the Welsh Wars
There are a number of pedigrees of families involved in the conflicts which can be very helpful.
The book was originally published by Oxford at the Clarendon Press in 1901. This copy was published by Combined Books, PA, 1996.