Sunday, December 27, 2015

Drums and Trumpets

Unity and tolerance seem like good ideas.  However, from the first Stuart King (1603) to the death of a great granddaughter (1714) , this was certainly not the case.  The following book by Kirsty McLeod gives an overview of this turbulent time.  For my own Jones family tree climbing, exploring this period of conflict, became a necessary tool to break though a few of those brick walls. [Inigo Jones ended up being a member of the family tree!]

The first American edition was 1977, published by Seabury Press, NY.  It discusses the life in court, town, and country during the reign of "The House of Stuart".  Chapter topics include "Courtly Life", "Town Life", "The Growth of Puritanism", the "Civil War", "The Commonwealth",  and "Life After The Restoration".  It was in this period of conflict that many of my Jones family survived to pass down that Y-chromosome DNA.

Life in Stuart England...a transition period for many, and a difficult time for the genealogist to sort through the branches.  A helpful text it is.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Outside The Box

We often carry with us a group of boxes that contain our views of the world.  Historical boxes also exist that place time and life events into fixed spaces.  The making of history is frequently placed here.  The book by Michael Reed looks outside the box.

The way man [in this case Britons] has shaped and occupied the space around them between 1550 - 1700.  The period covered occupies a central role in the process of change that has affected our ancestors.  Taking pictures from an archaeologist point of view, the period is presented around the changes that took place.  Understanding this period will help many genealogist to break down a few of their brick walls.  The land and its people, check the pulse in this "The Age of Exuberance".

First published in 1986 by Routledge & Kegan Paul plc, London, it includes 74 plates in ten chapters.  Chapter 8 titled "Landscapes of the mind" is my favorite.  You will have to pick your own reaching outside the box.