Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Hundred Years War

The reign of Edward III begins 1337.    It was the same year that Philip VI of France took over the English head Duchy of Guyenne. might say...then Edward III claimed the throne of France.  Then began a long, long, struggle between France and England resulting in what has been called: "The Hundred Years War".  For the genealogist, a century is generally three to four generations of the family tree that must have been involved along the way.  The Welsh had something to do with period of history since the "long-bow" was Welsh.

The text above by Desmond Seward is a very readable book about this time in our JONES family tree.  The English in France 1337 - 1453 is the subtitle.  There is even a description of the "long-bow" pp. 54-55 and other types of weapons used.  The book was first published in 1978, and reprinted by Penguin Books in 1999.  A series of illustrations are used throughout the book which gives help to the visual learner.  A "Chronology" is given on pp. 271 - 273 which was helpful for my own tree climbing experience. [Joan of Arc had something to say about this period of history!]  A sweeping overview it is.

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